Gaylord Speciality Healthcare News

How a 61-Year-Old Connecticut Grandfather Once Paralyzed Completes Intense Obstacle Course and 5K - Gaylord

Written by Kathy Kraines | August 03, 2021

By Inside Edition Staff
August 1, 2021

Greg Whitehouse suffered from Guillain-Barre syndrome or GBS, a paralyzing autoimmune disorder likely triggered by COVID-19.

There were tears of joy and accomplishment when Greg Whitehouse crossed the finish line of an intense and challenging obstacle course. For someone who had been unable to walk just seven months before the Gaylord Gauntlet 5K and Obstacle Race in Connecticut, this was life-changing.

Greg contracted what he thought was a mild case of COVID-19, but two weeks after his diagnosis, he felt shooting pain down his back. This led to him falling and breaking his ankle.